guess i sounded pretty pissed in my previous entry. cooled down somewhat.
anws, i gave prick mr x!! haha.. he's soooo cute! kinda reminded me of her at first. but he kinda stopped flashing around noon. sobs.. hope prick finds a way to repair him.
stupid morning support group laughed at the name i thought i might give my son. like wth?? it's damn cool alright. haha.. but anws, i've spinster plans so whatever! bleah.
sudhir was wearing something normal for once. haha.. was chatting with bert during the lect. made me think a lil but dude, i still feel that you judge some people too harshly. i may be a lil gullible but you're too cynical sometimes.
tiffy went for her first vball competition. hope she gets thru it fine. tho they're pretty confident and all. hehs.. prove chua wrong mann..
my class was filing into 12smth for gp when 2 maddos started waving at me from block 2. waved back and got caught by usha who told me to "stop looking at j1s" or smth to that. made me sound so paedo... oh and my group was the only group who completed our work. hahaha.. felt q bad tho cuz i didn't contribute. ~guilt-stricken~
had an instant noodle date with pauline after school today cuz it was raining heavily and sad us couldn't go home. (me cuz mom sent my lil sis to the dentist and can't pick me up and pauline cuz it was raining. duh.) instant noodles in school are like getting saltier or smth. yam bao tastes nice. mebbe i'll get one tmr.
at this rate i'm going, i might start talking about what i had for dinner and how i took out my contacts. shall cut the crap here.