yesterday's concert was a blast! haha.. some stuff went wrong but overall, it ROCKED!!! haha.. the place itself was uber cool and including the company i'm with, it's like undescribable. my gy mates ALL turned out in the orange section tee which was surprising considering many people's forgetful nature. so for the first half of the day orange people were everywhere and when the rehearsals started the last 3 rows were all orange. haha..
the girls had this BEEEGG room but we had to share it with the tanbo girls while the guys had 2 small rooms which looked quite hotel-ish but they had to share it 80% of the time with us and the instruments which had somehow ended with em. hehe.. took some photos and wandered around. esplanade is a scary and expensive place. everything costs money and not all doors open both ways and it's like a maze...
the meals suck (but if co prepared it it'll be worse since we'll probably have chicken rice, duck rice or char siew rice), the rehearsals dominated by this bitch (i say bitch not cause that guy's gay but cause he sounds really bitchy and made the rehearsals rather unpleasant), the place maze-like BUT there was the bounty of food at the girls room, and the provision shop which some of the guys raided after dinner despite bazillion packets of rice, weird company which includes matthew trying to pass off his tuner as a handphone and the chit-chats backstage during lan hua hua, and nice people to explore the place with and a cosy place to return to after that to tune, talk cock and torture hair (muahahaha...). funfunfun!!
anyways, last night's probably gonna be the last time i'm working on something with the whole orchestra. i'll miss it definitely. the practices every wednesday with jin lao shi talking about ying zhun and that "if you wanna have ying yue, you must have ying first" and the din that suona peeps makes in the block 11 classrooms and checking ying zhun and practising even more with the zhong suo peeps. then there's the da zhu every friday and saturday where all the guan yue people will sit at the back and pass food around until huang lao shi starts a song and we'll all have trouble hiding the food and swallowing whatever we have in our mouths, and the 'tap-taps' and 'let's-knock-each-other's. though i won't miss the scoldings, i'll miss all the people who've gone through those scoldings with me. and to think that 2 years back, cheryl thought "how much hardship can people in performing arts go through?"
admittedly, two years is just the right amount of time cuz it's enough time to get to know each other well and form some sort of bond but not long enough for conflicts to arise. but still, i'll miss you guys.
now what am i to do with my shao zi?