Sunday, June 26, 2005

im sososooo dead. haven't completed ANY of my revision. geog i've 3 and a half chapters more, basically everything, econs i've int'l trade and role of govt, two of the longest chapters for macro, and lit! i'm still unsure of so much stuff la! oh mannn.. what am i gonna do!!?? i figure i'll just do my best to study this time round and not worry too much about the results then really really mug properly for the prelims. the first thing im gonna do after this lousy ct is to plan my revision timetable, then make more econs notes then start properly on my revision. sighhh..
i'm looking forward to friday! gonna support carm for her judo com! so exciting!!! i've never seen her play before. hahaha.. being flipped sounds quite fun. i figure it'll be somewhat like flying. and she'll be coming my place. so fun man! hehe.. then i'll look forward to sunday! going to carm's church! yayy!! WHEN i become a full-fledged catholic, you'd better remember the bible you promised. heex.. THEN i'll look forward to monday when i go shopping with tze and ozi. everything sounds exciting. only now there's the cts to worry about. yucks.
didn't do much today other than try to cram geog and organise my desk. i'm feeling kinda recharged now. the question ernest asked really woke me up. in the midst of organising my life. and i know what i want. what i really really want. i can't really remember when have i ever been so sure of something but now i am and i'm not gonna let this something slip past my grasp. three things. mine and i want it.
feeling sick now. stomach's been feeling pretty shitty the past few days. on and off kinda thing. and don't tell me it's stomach upset cuz i'm pretty hardy and hardly get it. urghh... and dumb daryl still wants me to help him eat happy meal n get the heffalump toy so that he can jio girls. some ass friend...
and i'm missing ST!! lookin forward to the dec camp which i'm gonna resource with CARM!! though this is pretty unlikely and almost impossible i hope both mel and jules can resource the same camp as well. it'll be damn fun man! hahaha.. sighh.. must study hard then this will be my reward at the end of the year.

why do you have to lack the virtues i value?