Saturday, February 18, 2006

oh. long time no blog. have i mentioned that i quit my last job? which is simply fantastic since it takes me away from horrid office politics, know-it-all-yet-not-so-after-all colleagues, i'm-darn-fantastic-and-no-one-esp-the-company-can-do-without-me colleagues and a fuckermama boss who thinks everyone else but him's a DOG (c'mon la. after tolerating that and his biased attitude toward's A-level students i've reach my limit), not to mention incredibly petty guys whom i absolutely cannot stand. oh. plus that OH LET'S SPEAK CHINESE 24/7 AND NEGLECT OUR ALREADY SHITTY SPOKEN (AND MOSTLY WRITTEN) ENGLISH thingy about them which, given people like mark, tiff, ozi and lotsa others i know, would have been already sent packing within the first day of the job. ok. this is getting me rather worked up and compared with some of the previous entries, it's a humungous deviation. but you know, it's the kinda thing that you don't realise it at first cuz you're caught up in the hustle and bustle of it but after you stop, take a step back and really THINK you realise that YES! what my folks and buds have been advising me about is true and YES! you did a smart thing by quitting.
most of you out there who still haven't given up on reading my blog might be wondering by now what have i been doing after taking the first big step towards salvation. well, cheryl's gotten a job immediately working at superteens! pay's not fantastic but at least it's a steady source of income. and there're nice decent people i know who're working there as well. besides everytime i go help out there's always something new to learn and i'll get new motivation in life. much better deal la. still, cheryl's gonna get another one or two more sales jobs cuz the experience gained is undeniable. hehs...
jobs aside, i reallyreaaalllyyy wanna go out with good ole buds like wendy, ed, prick, ozi, tze, sal, carm. people whom i have years of history with, and whom i can trust, and whom even if you don't see each other for months you can still yak away like nobody's business. sobs... everyone's darn busy now laaaaaa... :(((