"there has been some public backlash on the group endangering themselves to begin with"

well, i'm not saying that the south korean missionary group held hostage deserved it. in fact, i thought they had good intentions, but c'mon, sending your people to a muslim country at war with the western world with the intention of evangelism is just plain idiocy. i've nothing against this sorta people, but the lack of respect and sensitivity towards other religions and cultures is just pathetically lacking. in any case, i'm just gonna stop here, for anymore might just earn me an attack from some fanatics out there.
anyways, if you've not realised, i've removed a few links in this new template cause i prefer things simple. but i think i'm gonna add a few more links to funny and interesting blogs. haha.. in case you've been wondering what i'm up to, basically i'm trying to stay at home as much as possible to save money. it's working! haha.. but i reckon i've spent $20 on the outing with my loveslovesheartshearts og (they're really very likeable and i just love the wide array of personalities and the way everyone seem to get along with each other despite having such different characters) at serangoon gardens and there's the house of rajoo chalet coming up (on my lao pa's birthday some more!) which i think will cost another $20 if i were to go, as well as my dad's present. omg. will probably amount to $50-$60 more! :(((
so guess what i've been doing hanging out at home?? haha.. read and watch show LORS. i've read harry potter and the deathly hallows already. audrey's fantastic! she sent me a secretly released pirated copy online on friday, the day before it was released. i thought it was a fake, more like a very good fanfic, since some parts the writing seemed so different and some parts were very messy and a bit unbelievable (like shawn said "it's the equivalent of me writing about how i was walking down the road and SUAY SUAY trip on a banana peel but HENG HENG a pillow which was being used as a frisbee by strangers managed to cushion my fall." sounds to me like a lot of korean dramas i've been watching but later.) also, there wasn't much character development other than the 3 main ones which was bad cause when some of them died later i didn't really feel sorry for them? like ok. they died. let's move on. it's like rowling was killing off characters just for the sake of it. andandAND, the ending sucked. reeaaallyy. like c'mon. it's supposed to be a kids series and you made it into a very un-kids series and then you come up with a lousy cliche kiddy ending?? even chapter 33 which almost everyone i spoke to thought was fantastic? i kinda guessed it in book 6. but well, the only good part is that once the action FINALLY got started towards to middle it was non-stop kinda pulls you in. now, THAT was a good rowling.
i got a secret. don't tell anyone k? i like to rewatch shows and reread books. hehe.. now i'm rewatching choon-hyang. OMG. jae hee is darn cute. he's the one in the previous post. hahaa..
here's another picture!
here's another picture!

i think i fancy korean actors more. they're bigger and look more wholesome than their scrawny japanese counterparts, they act better than their singaporean and taiwanese ones and are younger than the hongkong and singaporean ones. but that said, i still like matsuyama kenichi and steven mah. yay to wholesome images and good acting!
this sounds a bit childish but jiakai and i were talking about people we dislike last night. other than the obvious backstabber sort, it includes those who get angry for no rhyme or reason, those who have severe moodswings and while it's swinging towards the down side, act like the world owes them a living as well those who're too freakin uptight and think that only they themselves can do a job well and get pissed when others don't do things their way. it's still alright if you're important to me and our friendship is worth more than the satisfaction of telling you off, but some people are just clueless about their lack of standing in the eyes of others and basically, it's just darn farking annoying. so if you think you fall into one of these categories, i suggest it's time for some self-evaluation. admittedly, i used to be very brash and insensitive (you can just ask my old buddies from secondary school and jc) but i've tried hard and yes, it's possible to get a hold on yourself and make changes. it's only for the lack of trying that results evade you.
on trying. here's a really sore point of mine that eats at me every now and then. sometimes my parents don't realise i've tried my best and i can only go so far. stop picking on me. i've worked hard during school term and you've seen it but yet refused to admit that the school's so big, has so many students and that i have limited capacity. go pick on some other people who don't even try. why do you give so much support to people who don't put in effort but it's me that you insist have to work harder to earn what i want? it may sound selfish but some people say being the eldest is good. it's bullshit. you're the guinea pig and you're to be responsible and look out for others who don't even deserve it and when it comes to monetary matters in the future, who'll they look for? the eldest. especially if the age gap is huge like yours truly. the youngest will get to enjoy cause no more kids to save up for already, so can splurge a bit more on the baby. whether they deserve it or not it's another matter entirely. well, who said life's fair?