here're the pics from last friday's tuan yuan fan which everyone attended! yay!

all the food prepared and nicely arranged by the anal audrey.

posing while getting the liqour out. prick was responsible for the death of one of her glasses. haha..

getting drunk before it all starts.

getting shot in the sly. notice everyone's (other than tze's shocked expressions). bad van.

making use of sally's strong fan to pretend to be a model.

a group photo for once!

newspapers there for a reason... tze and i hate salmon by the way.

lao yu sheng lao until liddat. tsktskk..

yu sheng eating is a social activity. other than audrey who insisted on using her own plate. bleah. and i think i accidentally ate a piece of yucky salmon.

taking a break before we all burst. i weighed myself after all the food. 60kg. last night and this morning when i weighed again, it was 55kg. amazing.
I WAS SMILING TO THE COMPUTER LA. haha.. looking at pictures of the gang together never fails to bring a smile to my face.
i was talking to jia kai just now and i was voicing pretty negative thoughts towards a friend. not the i hate you kind of thoughts but the is something wrong with me or us kinda thoughts. cleared my head a bit. jia kai you rock la.