i've lo hei 2 times already and i'm going to do it another 2 more times. i'm addicted to that particular brand of yu sheng. in any case, here're the pictures of the yu sheng lao-ing after training courtesy of dominic.

preparing the yusheng. not bad. this time we could think of quite a few cheng yus cause there were lots of cheena biangs.

lao-ing the yu sheng. jeremy and i prepared the carrots and cucumbers until our fingers were swollen from the juice. biangs.

eating. the foreign students were very amused by this practice. phoung decided to bring the whole tray back to share with his vietnamese friends. it's eh.. yummier than it looks.

here's a group picture.

here's the only pic with the three of us. the other two were very amused by my failed dance moves. i've got guts man.
anyways, here's wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year. :)