ripped this off auntie yuanyuan's blog. pretty interesting. thought i need a picture-sy post. i keep thinking i'll see yuanyuan around the corner only to realise she's awaayyy in norwayyy. sigh.
Answer the questions below, do a Google Image search with your answer, take a picture from the first page of results, and do it with minimal words of explanation.
1. The age you’ll be on your next birthday

2. A place you’d like to travel to

Ireland - land of faeries and magic
3. Your favourite place

if only 'my room' looked so wild and exotic.
4. Your favourite food

5. Your favourite pet

i'm sorry blue, you're still handsome in my eyes.
6. Your favourite colour combination

ehh.. can you spot the brown and yellow?
7. Your favourite piece of clothing

versatile. can be formal or casual. and when guys where these... slurps.
8. Your favourite TV show

i hardly watch tv after a certain age but yep. he's my hero.
9. The first name of your significant other

if we got together our kid will be called 'soh da piah'.
10. The town in which you live

home-sweet-home just ahead.
11. Your first job

was a painful lesson on rejection.
12. Your dream job

the funky geog teacher.
13. A bad habit you have

14. Your worst fear

the smaller the image, the less fearsome. did you know, it's actually an INTRODUCED SPECIES. which means it should never have been in s'pore to start with. bring them back la. bring them back!
15. What you’d like to do before you die

to show appreciation to those around.